Allah SWT berfirman:
"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengampuni dosa syirik, dan Dia mengampuni segala dosa yang selain dari (syirik) itu, bagi siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya". (An Nisaa: 48)
"Sesungguhnya orang yang mempersekutukan (sesuatu dengan) Allah, maka pasti Allah mengharamkan kepadanya surga". (Al Maaidah: 72)1. Shirk. Allah says: "Verily Allah will not forgive the sin of shirk, and He forgives all sins that apart from (shirk), for whom He wills." (An Nisaa: 48) "Verily, those who ascribe (something to) Allah, surely Allah will forbid him Paradise". (Al Maaidah: 72)
Allah SWT Berfirman:
"Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, melainkan kaum yang kafir"".(Yuusuf: 87).
2.DESPAIR/BREAKING EXPECTATION Discouragement Allah He will say: "Surely not despair of the mercy of God, but the unbelievers". "(Yuusuf: 87).
2.DESPAIR/BREAKING EXPECTATION Discouragement Allah He will say: "Surely not despair of the mercy of God, but the unbelievers". "(Yuusuf: 87).
Allah SWT berfirman:
"Tiadalah yang merasa aman dari azab Allah kecuali orang-orang yang merugi." (Al A'raaf: 99)
3. SAFE THREAT FROM GOD. Allah says: "Nor who feel safe from the punishment of Allah except those who are the losers." (Al A'raaf: 99)
3. SAFE THREAT FROM GOD. Allah says: "Nor who feel safe from the punishment of Allah except those who are the losers." (Al A'raaf: 99)
Tentang hal ini Allah SWT berfirman:
"Dan berbakti kepada ibuku, dan Dia tidak menjadikan aku seorang yang sombong lagi celaka". (Maryam: 32)
.4. INNOCENT TO PARENTS/DURHAKA TO PARENTS Concerning this Allah says: "And dutiful to my mother, and He does not make me a proud one more woe." (Maryam: 32).
.4. INNOCENT TO PARENTS/DURHAKA TO PARENTS Concerning this Allah says: "And dutiful to my mother, and He does not make me a proud one more woe." (Maryam: 32).
Tentang hal ini Allah SWT berfirman:
"Dan barangsiapa yang membunuh seorang mu'min dengan sengaja, maka balasannya ialah Jahannam, kekal ia di dalamnya". (An Nisaa: 93).
5. KILLED/ Concerning this Allah says: 'And whoever kills a believers intentionally, then the return is Jahannam, he was in it everlasting. " (An Nisaa: 93).
Tentang hal ini Allah SWT berfirman:
"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menuduh wanita-wanita yang baik-baik, yang lengah lagi beriman (berbuat zina), mereka kena la'nat di dunia dan akhirat, dan bagi mereka azab yang besar". An Nuur: 23)
6.ALLEGING GOOD WOMAN FORNICATE Allah says: "Those who accuse the women of the good, that careless again believers (commit adultery), they hit la'nat in the world and the hereafter, and great punishment for them. " An Nuur: 23)
6.ALLEGING GOOD WOMAN FORNICATE Allah says: "Those who accuse the women of the good, that careless again believers (commit adultery), they hit la'nat in the world and the hereafter, and great punishment for them. " An Nuur: 23)
Tentang hal ini Allah SWT berfirman:
"Orang-orang yang makan (mengambil) riba tidak dapat berdiri melainkan seperti berdirinya orang yang kemasukan syaitan lantaran (tekanan) penyakit gila". (Al Baqarah: 275)
7.Practice usury. Concerning this Allah says: "People who eat (take) usury can not stand except as stands one whom possessed by the devil because of (pressure) madness." (Al Baqarah: 275)
7.Practice usury. Concerning this Allah says: "People who eat (take) usury can not stand except as stands one whom possessed by the devil because of (pressure) madness." (Al Baqarah: 275)
Allah SWT berfirman:
"Barangsiapa yang membelakangi mereka (mundur) di waktu itu, kecuali berbelok untuk (siasat) perang atau hendak menggabungkan diri dengan pasukan yang lain, maka sesungguhnya orang itu kembali dengan membawa kemurkaan dari Allah, dan tempatnya ialah neraka Jahannam. Dan amat buruklah tempat kembalinya". (Al Anfaal: 16)
8. RUN FROM THE BATTLE FIELD. Allah says: "Anyone who turned them (back) at the time, except turn to (trick) war or about to join forces with others, then surely the man returned with wrath from Allah, and his place is the Fire. And return of the very evil place. " (Al Anfaal: 16)
8. RUN FROM THE BATTLE FIELD. Allah says: "Anyone who turned them (back) at the time, except turn to (trick) war or about to join forces with others, then surely the man returned with wrath from Allah, and his place is the Fire. And return of the very evil place. " (Al Anfaal: 16)
Allah SWT berfirman:
"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang memakan harta anak yatim secara zalim, sebenarnya mereka itu menelan api sepenuh perutnya dan mereka akan masuk ke dalam api yang menyala-nyala (neraka)". (An Nisaa: 10)
9. PROPERTY ORPHANS. Allah says: "Those who devour the wealth of orphans unjustly, they actually had to swallow his belly full of fire and they will enter into a flaming fire (hell)." (An Nisaa: 10)
9. PROPERTY ORPHANS. Allah says: "Those who devour the wealth of orphans unjustly, they actually had to swallow his belly full of fire and they will enter into a flaming fire (hell)." (An Nisaa: 10)
Allah SWT berfirman:
"Barangsiapa yang melakukan demikian itu, niscaya dia mendapat (pembalasan) dosa (nya), (yakni) akan dilipat gandakan azab untuknya pada hari kiamat dan dia akan kekal dalam azab itu". (Al Furqaan: 68-69)
10.Do Fornicate/Fornicate : Allah says: "Whoever did this was, surely he's got (retaliation) sin (it), (namely) the punishment would be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection and he will be eternal in that punishment." (Al Furqaan: 68-69)
10.Do Fornicate/Fornicate : Allah says: "Whoever did this was, surely he's got (retaliation) sin (it), (namely) the punishment would be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection and he will be eternal in that punishment." (Al Furqaan: 68-69)
Allah SWT berfirman:
"Dan janganlah kamu (para saksi) menyembunyikan persaksian. Dan barangsiapa yang menyembunyikannya, maka sesungguhnya ia adalah orang yang berdosa hatinya". (Al Baqarah: 283)
11.CONCEALING testimony: testament of Allah says: "And do you (the witness) testimony hide. And those who hide it, then surely he is a sinful heart." (Al Baqarah: 283)
11.CONCEALING testimony: testament of Allah says: "And do you (the witness) testimony hide. And those who hide it, then surely he is a sinful heart." (Al Baqarah: 283)
Allah SWT berfirman:
"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menukar janji (nya dengan) Allah dan sumpah-sumpah mereka dengan harga yang sedikit, mereka itu tidak mendapat bahagian (pahala) di akhirat, dan Allah tidak akan berkata-kata dengan mereka dan tidak akan melihat kepada mereka pada hari kiamat dan tidak (pula) akan mensucikan mereka. Bagi mereka azab yang pedih". (Ali Imraan: 77 )
12.SUMPAH FALSE/ Perjury: Allah says: "Those who exchange promises (it with) Allah and their oaths with the price a little, they did not get a share (reward) in the Hereafter, and Allah will not speak with them and will not Looking at them on the Day of Judgement and not (too) will purify them. For them a painful punishment. " (Ali Imraan: 77)
12.SUMPAH FALSE/ Perjury: Allah says: "Those who exchange promises (it with) Allah and their oaths with the price a little, they did not get a share (reward) in the Hereafter, and Allah will not speak with them and will not Looking at them on the Day of Judgement and not (too) will purify them. For them a painful punishment. " (Ali Imraan: 77)
Allah SWT berfirman:
"Barangsiapa yang berkhianat dalam urusan rampasan perang itu, maka pada hari kiamat ia akan datang membawa apa yang dikhianatkannya itu". (Ali Imraan: 161)
13.Do treasonous the spoils of war, Allah says: "Anyone who defected in the affairs of the war booty, then on the Day of Resurrection he will come take what dikhianatkannya it." (Ali Imraan: 161)
13.Do treasonous the spoils of war, Allah says: "Anyone who defected in the affairs of the war booty, then on the Day of Resurrection he will come take what dikhianatkannya it." (Ali Imraan: 161)
Allah SWT berfirman:
"Sesungguhnya (meminum) khamar, berjudi, (berkorban untuk) berhala, mengundi nasib dengan panah, adalah perbuatan keji termasuk perbuatan syaitan. Maka jauhilah perbuatan-perbuatan itu agar kamu mendapat keberuntungan". (Al Maaidah: 90).
14.DRINK KHAMER / DRINK HARD intoxicating. Allah says: "Verily, (drink) alcohol, gambling, (sacrificing to) idols, gambled the fate of the arrows, is a heinous act, including acts devil. So shun the deeds so that you get lucky." (Al Maaidah: 90).
14.DRINK KHAMER / DRINK HARD intoxicating. Allah says: "Verily, (drink) alcohol, gambling, (sacrificing to) idols, gambled the fate of the arrows, is a heinous act, including acts devil. So shun the deeds so that you get lucky." (Al Maaidah: 90).
Allah SWT berfirman:
"Apakah yang memasukkan kamu ke dalam Saqar (neraka)?" Mereka menjawab: "Kami dahulu tidak termasuk orang-orang yang mengerjakan shalat". (Al Muddats-tsir: 42-43 )
15. Prayers 5 TIME. Allah says: "Does that include you into Saqar (hell)?" They said: 'We were not among those who pray daily. " (Al Muddats-tsir: 42-43)
15. Prayers 5 TIME. Allah says: "Does that include you into Saqar (hell)?" They said: 'We were not among those who pray daily. " (Al Muddats-tsir: 42-43)
Allah SWT berfirman:
"(yaitu) orang-orang yang melanggar perjanjian Allah sesudah perjanjian itu teguh, dan memutuskan apa yang diperintahkan Allah (kepada mereka) untuk menghubungkannya dan membuat kerusakan di muka bumi. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang rugi". (Al Baqarah: 27 )
16. LOSE silaturrahmi ROPE. Allah says: "(They are) those who violate God's covenant after the agreement was firm, and decide what God commanded (to them) to link it and create mischief on earth. They are the ones who lose." (Al Baqarah: 27)
16. LOSE silaturrahmi ROPE. Allah says: "(They are) those who violate God's covenant after the agreement was firm, and decide what God commanded (to them) to link it and create mischief on earth. They are the ones who lose." (Al Baqarah: 27)
Demikianlah dosa - dosa besar berdasarkan Al-qur'an Nurkarim
Semoga hendaknya terhindar qta dari itu semuanya.Amin
Thus sin - mortal sin according to Al-qur'an Nurkarim Hopefully it should be spared .Amin
Thus sin - mortal sin according to Al-qur'an Nurkarim Hopefully it should be spared .Amin
BY: Syaf Panglima Melayu
BY: Commander Syaf Malay in Speak English...
Dari buku : Dosa-dosa Besar
Penulis : Syekh M. Mutawalli Sya'rawi
Penerjemah : Abdul Hayyie al Kattani dan Fithriah Wardie
Penerbit : Gema Insani Press,Jakarta
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